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Collecting stories
Submit your stories
You may submit a document, an audio recording, a video, or a photograph. You may also submit a text online, submit a recording, create a video, or create a photo of yourself.
No Charge
Compile, edit, and proofead your stories
Though you may submit a completed story, as writers, published authors, and bloggers, we find that we can take your text, audio, and/or video stories, along with stories submitted by your relatives, compile, edit, proofread, and then organize your stories into a storybook format. Before submitting your fee, you will have the opportunity to review the story to make corrections, add or otherwise modify the story as you see fit.
$4.99 per page
Publishing your story
This will vary, depending the number of pages and the cover you select. The number of pages, at your discretion, including an ancestra as well as a descendant family tree, a timeline chart, a kindship report, a photo album, and other incidental reports.
Your investment will also vary depending if the publication is a paperback, Kindle, or hardback copy. CDs/DVDs would also be available at an additional charge.
$9.95 to $89.95